Sponsor A Child

As a contributor to the SHINE ‘Sponsor a Child’ programme, your generous financial contribution will make a significant difference to the life of a promising young South African learner who is part of the IMPACT Tutoring Programme.

For a monthly sponsorship from as little as R150.00 per month, your support for the IMPACT Tutoring Programme will assist a Grade 10, Grade 11, or Grade 12 Learner by providing:

  • Access to study guides, school set workbooks, essential reading materials and learner stationary.
  • Access to a fully equipped computer centre with an excellent online tutoring resources, as well as internet access and printing facilities.
  • Access to one-on-one online tutoring with trained tutor volunteers.
  • Support with additional items such as transportation costs to tutoring sessions and school uniforms.

As a sponsor you will also receive regular updates about you sponsored child and their progress on the programme.

Grade 10, 11 & 12 Tutoring